maradona, QUIT YOUR JOB.
stop bringing the argentina team down.
how many defeats already.
from a world cup winning team to a team that can't even beat boliva and chile.
and now, lose to brazil.
argentina will probably not qualify for the WC 2010.
and now, FIFA.
stop giving clubs problems man!
ban chelsea from signing players.
now want to ban man utd.
what's wrong.
why don't ban tom henning ovrebo from being a ref.
he stole chelsea's UCL.
and a good thing.
take that, alonso.
have decided on getting a D5000 instead of a Rebel T1i.
reason? the EOS photo quality not as good (although the colours are better).
getting the cam pretty soon!:D
i was queuing up for my roti prata just now.
watch the indian guy flip flip his chunk of dough and then make it into a prata.
look as if he really enjoyed doing it.
how nice it would be to do something you're passionate about.
my dad wants me to stay in thailand after cosbt's MT.
and wait for my parents and their team to come over on the 12th.
my mum don't really support the idea but i'm still divided over it.
although i'll probably die of missing people in singapore, but staying there is not a bad idea as well.
maybe join the team over there and help out?
got to decide asap!:(